Monday, November 23, 2009

An extended absence

((Please note, this is an OOC post regarding the new quest line for the Quel'Delar sword in which Theron and the rest of the Sin'Dorei government is involved. I just need to explain my thoughts on the subject, which has also led to me taking a break from Twitter RP and blog posting. WARNING: There are spoilers ahead.))

I know it's been noticed that I've taken a break from posting to Twitter recently. I enjoy reacting to the various holidays and like to think how Theron would balance running the government, preparing for war, and still maintaining the pleasures of holidays and tradition to maintain morale among his people.

I was also excited that Theron, Rommath, and Halduron would be getting a little more "action" and development with the new Quel'Delar quest. During Burning Crusade, so much emphasis was put on Kael'thas that these three were virtually forgotten.

It is known that Rommath led the mages in rebuilding the city using magic, but half the city (the starting area) is still in ruins. There is also an NPC in Tranquillien who criticizes Rommath for not sending the reinforcements they've asked for. Also, it is known that Rommath was a loyal follower of Kael'thas, and was the one the Prince sent back to tell the Sin'Dorei about the glories of Outland. His encouragement is the reason there are pilgrims in Thrallmar and Falcon Watch, trying to join up with Kael's forces.

Of course, we know now that this is a bad idea, but this is the kind of information that has led me to believe that Rommath is a Kael'thas fanboy, and even at the end of BC might have still been working more for Kael than he was working for Silvermoon.

In contrast, the majority of the "personalities" of Theron and Halduron were developed in The Sunwell Trilogy by Richard Knaak. I have many scathing opinions about Knaak's work, but was thankful that Theron and Halduron were left virtually untouched. They were suspicious of Sylvanas, and with good reason: their beloved commander had been turned against them, and based on the book and in the game, I think that even Sylvanas would have approved of their actions in that story. I believe even she would rather kill a close friend who was suspected of being controlled by the Lich King than risk further loss of life by trying to open a dialogue with a person who may or may not be in their right mind.

I believe Theron and Halduron still look up to and respect Sylvanas, knowing all she went through and that it was her love of her people and her desire for revenge against the one who harmed her people that made her break free. You have to respect someone with that kind of willpower.

But that's all we really have on Theron and Halduron. There are a few bits of quest dialogue in regard to Theron: His response to Tranquillien regarding evil coming from Deatholme was late and those in charge of the town already knew this. However think about it: You deliver a message that was already likely delayed by bureaucratic red tape that was delayed even further when the courier was attacked. I think Theron's message to Tranquillen was probably fresh when it was composed, but became old news due to te delays that occurred after it was out of his hands.

There's also the quest in which the Blood Elves are accepted into the Horde. You kill Dar'khan Drathir, and take his head first to Theron, then Sylvanas, and finally to Thrall. Clearly there has already been discussion about allowing the Sin'Dorei into the Horde, with Sylvanas lobbying hard for her former people. Being able to say, "Look, we CAN take care of our own problems, so we have something to offer the Horde in return" was an important part of the Blood Elves being accepted.

In addition, Theron includes a cryptic message to Thrall that he admits to the player may or may not be true, but even as a white lie it's for a good reason. He says that Rommath returned with news for Thrall: "To answer your question, undoubtedly YES." I have never found out what that question was, though we have assumed that it's in regard to whether or not there are orcs in Outland who were never tainted by demon blood. If that is the case, even if Rommath and Theron did not know for certain, the were correct considering you meet the Mag'har later.

So I get the feeling that Theron has done the best with the position that was dropped in his lap. He's gone from soldier to diplomat, building relations with the Horde, rebuilding his people and homeland, dealing with Kael'thas coming back and harming his own people, negotiating with the Shattered Sun Offensive, and other rather unappealing situations where he's risen to the challenge.

However, by the end of BC, Lady Liadrin is the one negotiating with A'dal and Velen, and is the one who shows up when the Sunwell is reignited. Lore-wise, this is good for her. Like Grom Hellscream's story, she was the first who tapped the Naaru, M'uru, for his power, and then later said she was wrong in doing so (even though M'uru knew that it was to happen). It's a story of redemption of her people, and it was right that she was the one who ended the elves' dependency on fel magic to aid their withdrawal.

But once again, Theron and Halduron have little to do with this story. They are busy in the city...there is plenty to do without being the ones present for the return of the Sunwell. But as city leaders, I'm sure they had their involvement. Heck, you already have Alliance running around on the island that is the site of their most sacred source of power that they were dependent on for survival. Not to mention, they had their share of issues regarding the return and death of Kael'thas.

In RPing Theron on Twitter and on this blog, I have tried to put myself in his shoes. Yes, there is some Sin'Dorei arrogance, but there's also the humility of being in a position of leadership that he rightfully earned. I think the circumstances that put him in as the city leader of his people make him out to be a level-headed person who knows both military strategy as well as political negotiations. All in all, I think he would be a *nice guy* to get to know, and try to portray him as such. He has his passions and his flaws. He makes mistakes but had to have been highly successful to earn the job. We don't know his heritage, but he clearly isn't a Sunstrider, wasn't born into this form of leadership, and wasn't groomed for it since childhood. I have tried to keep the personality I portray as one that evolved logically from his situation.

However, either I was WAY off base, or Blizz decided to twist Theron into a giant douche for the same of the Quel'Delar quest coming in 3.3. Based on the evidence of the quest, I really think the mistakes (yes, plural) are on Blizz's side for not thinking logically.

In this quest, a player finds the hilt of a sword and works to restore the sword to its former glory. Of course, everyone wants the sword, from the Sin'dorei/Sunreavers to the Silver Covenant to the Argent Crusade. This much, I can accept. But some things don't make sense.

The sword belonged to an elven hero who died defending the Sunwell when Arthas destroyed it to resurrect Kel'Thuzad a few years ago. Granted, at this point the elves of Quel'thalas were Quel'dorei (high elves, with blue eyes) because it took place before the conversion of the majority of the elves to Sin'dorei.

Sticking Kel'thuzad's remains into the holy Sunwell tainted it, and it exploded. The elves, who didn't realize how dependent they had become on the Sunwell's magic, began to slip into illness. Some became the Wretched. Those who became Blood Elves found were shown how to survive off of fel magic, thus changing the glow of their eyes to green. This is similar to the orcs' skins turning green when they drank demon blood. Then, you have those who rejected the fel magic method...those who chose to turn their back on their people remained Quel'dorei. They went back to the Alliance to try to stay near the Moonwells which provided some relief to their withdrawal. Thus, the animosity between the Sin'dorei and the remaining Quel'dorei was born.

So back to finding the hilt of Quel'Delar. The previous owner died before the "Sin'dorei" existed. Who knows which side he'd take in that quarrel? But he was a hero and died defending the Sunwell. This is important.

When Wrath launched, it became apparent that the Quel'dorei have become more prominent among the Alliance. The city of Dalaran, originally a human city that was open to mages of all races, has become polarized. It is run by the human, Rhonin, and his wife, Vereesa (Sylvanas's own sister) is still Quel'dorei. The Silver Covenant, her faction, has worked to keep Blood Elves out of Dalaran, while Aethas Sunreaver managed to help not only Blood Elves but all the Horde races gain acceptance. Even still, virtually all the NPCs of the city are Alliance-based. I can accept this.

For the Quel'Delar quest, as a Horde member, you are trying to find out more information about the sword, put it back together, find out why the Silver Covenant wants it, and you eventually have to take it down to the Isle of Quel'Danas.

The Isle is changing in 3.3. It is no longer the domain of the Shattered Sun Offensive, but is being rebuilt by the government of Silvermoon. Afterall, it is in Sin'dorei territory, and thus the duty of the Blood Elves to restore the island. Here is where I begin to have issues.

You are to meet Halduron, even if you are Alliance, who sends you to find the remains of the hero (Thalorien Dawnseeker), and obtain his blessing.

Two issues here:

1) Remains? Shouldn't the guy be buried with a grand statue in his honor? Granted, I haven't seen the quest myself, but the text strikes me as odd.
2) After getting caught up in the attacks on Silvermoon for the "For the Alliance" kill-all-the-city-leaders "achievement" (I still believe the leaders need to be buffed up to make the achievement mean something), why the hell would Halduron be accepting of seeing an Alliance who isn't a Quel'dorei (guess what isn't a playable race, folks!) wielding what may very well be the sword of one of *OUR* heroes?

Next, you're sent in to immerse the blade into the Sunwell to purify it. Halduron warns you that the leaders of Silvermoon are inside, and at least for the Horde version, you are told to be wary and not get caught up in Theron's and Rommath's political scheming.

1) Halduron is allegedly Theron's best friend. Way to be supportive, bro.
2) While I get that this is a good way to get the sword purified, even after speaking to Thalorien's remains, I can't honestly believe that Halduron or any of the leaders within would allow a person (especially Alliance, but that includes the Horde) to saunter in and just stick an unknown something into the blessed Sunwell that was JUST. EFFING. RESTORED.

Inside, Liadrin's being melodramatic to some pilgrims. "I was a bad girl and did horrible things, but I was redeemed." Nice. But the emo writing seems off, especially for Blizz. Look, yes Liadrin was the first to tap M'uru, and yes, it was a bad thing. But the way it's written just paints all Blood Elves as being evil and bad and black-hearted. It's like Blizz totally forgot that the Sin'dorei did what they had to in order to survive.

In the meantime, as stated before, you casually toss this unknown sword into the Sunwell in front of those who would rather die than see their holy site corrupted again. Riiiiight.

They all exclaim that it MUST be Quel'Delar, and Theron thanks the player (note: being a nice guy and THANKING even an Alliance rather than killing the person on sight) for restoring the sword to its rightful owners. When he tries to take the sword, he's thrown back and knocked down to half health. To add insult to injury (literally), random important High Elf guy scolds Theron, saying his "foolishness" is what caused his injuries, and that Quel'Delar chooses its own master. Rommath agrees, but tells the high elf (Auric Sunchaser) to bite his tongue and tells the player to GTFO. Then Sunchaser has the audacity to say, "You have done what many quel'dorei have dreamt of for years. Quel'Delar has been restored at last."

So really...what the hell did Theron do to get this treatment? He's been scolded by a guy who wasn't even around to help restore the Sunwell (oh, but now they want to suck off it like the little parasites they are), he earned his position and did a pretty decent job of setting his people back on their feet after being betrayed a few too many times, his best friend is telling people to be wary of him, and he hasn't even gotten a dang promotion yet. He's still Regent, and the way Liadrin's talking, she's the one getting all the credit. Shoot, people STILL can't remember his name.

It's all been making it difficult to be able to RP Theron on Twitter and in this blog since 3.3 isn't live yet, and despite all the crap handed to him in the above paragraph, I still don't see him as the type who would whine about it and /ragequit. But it's been making it difficult to keep him accurate to the character knowing that this quest is going to drop soon.

Seriously, Blizz? Think you can stop painting the Sin'dorei as evil and thankless little douchenozzles, when clearly the award should go to the Quel'dorei who chickenshitted out of helping all during BC, and NOW suddenly act like they're entitled to what the rest of us worked and died for?

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Blizz. I think it's safe to say that there's so much wrong with some of their own lore that it's sad. Then again, Blizz is essentially tearing down the world to make it nice and fresh for new players as well, so of course they feel the need to essentially screw the entire world over. NPCs are also taking the heat for it as well, which will ultimately make for some interesting RPs later on if someone considers certain NPCs as their heroes.
    Sometimes you have to stop, wonder and then think as to what the Lore department of Blizz is thinking when they come up with quests like this. Or better yet, what they could be smoking, drinking or possibly eating for that matter.
