Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dragons in Silvermoon, or Just Too Much Bloodthistle?

It has come to my attention that there have been cases of citizens who believe they are dragons, demons, animal hybrids (not talking about Druids), and other such creatures.

Such claims are not unprecedented. My companions and I were once fooled by Kalecgos and Tyrygosa in half-elf and elven forms, respectibly. Since that time, they have a standing invitation to visit the city in their disguises, although I preferred for them to at least give me notice upon their arrival. It is not every day you can count a dragon as more than an acquaintence, although "friend" might be a bit of a stretch.

We are aware of dragons taking the forms of the mortal races elsewhere: one only has to visit Wyrmrest Temple in Northrend to see many of the draconian leaders and ambassadors in humanoid form.

So there is no doubt in my mind that there are dragons walking among us. While their clandestine activities are cause for concern (see this surveillance video in which a Sin'dorei woman discovers Onyxia's identity--but I have no comment as to why she was there in the first place *cough*), right now I am baffled at the number of people who openly claim being dragonkin. The only explanation I have is that they found some rather potent bloodthistle and should seek immediate medical attention.

The majority of dragons would not be so quick to admit what they really are. They are strong, but should word get out about their true form, they are likely to be hunted by adventurers seeking "phat lewts." In addition, they usually take care to mask any indication or detail that might raise suspicions. When confronted with an accusation, even with significant proof, most dragons would flatly deny their identity to a common person.

The same goes for the other creatures. We have warlocks in Silvermoon, so the nature of demons is not unknown to us. The class is tolerated because we believe we can best fight the enemy with their own tactics. A clever demon who manages to escape his master's control and disguise his/her appearance probably will not want to draw attention to him/herself. The few I have come across have done their best to avoid the populace.

Again, I know dragons and demons walk among us. I simply doubt the real ones are going to speak so casually about their true form in public, or will fail to take utmost care in hiding their physical traits that make them stand out in their surroundings.


  1. You know, come to think of it, my neighbor down the way has been spouting off some nonsense akin to the examples given. I'll make sure to call some clerics for him. And if I come across any Bloodthistle he might possess, I'll see to it that it's, uh... discarded. Right, that's it. Discarded.

    Thanks for the warning.


  2. @omgitsafox: You may also wish to alert the Royal Apothecary Society that one of their patients has escaped.

  3. Honestly, aside from the Forsaken studying down in the Pools of Vision, it's reasons like that (among many others) why Tauren don't have the same appreciation for the Arcane as you elves do. Demons and great dragons all seem things so far removed from Thunder Bluff...although I wouldn't doubt that the city has seen either of those at one point.
    I only hope that Silvermoon stays safe! Dragons...disguised as people? Hmm...

  4. Will do. Although I just might send them an anonymous letter. I'd hate to deliver the news in person and be used as a replacement instead.
